Church Office Hours

10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

Monday - Thursday

    Worship with Us Every

Sunday Morning at 10:30 am

 In Person or on our Facebook page

Our Mission

To Lead Everyone in Relationship with Christ.


Our Vision

Bringing people to Christ; developing personal growth in Christ; putting Christ into action.


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Note: we do not share your email with anyone or any organization.


Pastor:  Rev. Karen Sorden


Pastor Karen's Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday from

9:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.


Join us in the month of February for Pastor Karen's message series

"To Be or Not to Be the Church"


Church is not a place you go to, it's someting you do.  Encounters with Jesus change people, not just for a moment, but by transforming us into something new.  But we are not new by ourselves!  We become new as part of a community, the church, held together and sent out by the Holy Spirit to introduce more people to the transformative Jesus!  To be the church is to do God's mission in the world.

Lent  2025


Throughout scripture and today, God sustains God's people in the most basic of human ways - physically with food and drink for our bodies, and spiritually with food and drink for our souls.  This Lent, as we remember what it means to be human, we find refreshment from God's fountain of grace.  The different images of cups shown in Scripture will serve as a touch point for exploring aspects of our relationship with God.  What does  our brokeness say about us?  What does discipleship look like?  What does it mean to seek justice?  This exploration culminates in the most exciting celebration of all - that Jesus is risen for us and we have new life in him!  Join us on Ash Wednesday, March 5, @ 6:30 pm when Pastor Karen will preach on The Cup of Fasting.from Isaiah 58:1-12.  Ash Wednesday is a moment for us to reflect on Jesus' suffering.  We partner in his suffering so that we may better see the experience of those who suffer daily and work with them for lasting justice.





Upcoming Events

Pastor Karen will be holding a New Members Class following worship on Sunday, February 16 in the Corbin Room.  If you are thinking about becoming a member or just want to 

learn more about our church, please join us!  

Talk to Pastor Karen if you're interested or have any questions.

Old Testament Class Resumes on

Thursday, February 20 @ 4:00 p.m.

in Fellowship Hall with Dr. Bill George and Rev. Earl Detwiler.

The class will run on Thursday afternoons thru March 27.

Come join us!

or scan the QR Code below

Monthly Calendar